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Become a Sponsor

Are you ready to be a catalyst for change in the lives of underprivileged high school students who excel in football?  Step onto the field of opportunity and become a proud sponsor of The Other Side of the End Zone! Our mission is to bridge the gap, providing essential financial assistance in the form of college scholarships. These scholarships empower talented student-athletes to pursue higher education, unlocking a future where both academic and athletic dreams can thrive.

Choose Your Level of Impact

  1. Fan Club (Donations: Up to $99): Kick off the support with our Fan Club! Every donation, no matter the size, fuels the dreams of underprivileged student-athletes. Your contribution, whether big or small, plays a crucial role in creating opportunities for these young talents.

  2. First Down Club (Donations: $100 to $499): Lay the groundwork for success by supporting underprivileged student-athletes with college scholarship opportunities. Every yard gained brings these young talents closer to achieving their academic and athletic goals.

  3. Touchdown Club (Donations: $500 to $999): Take the lead in transforming lives with a Touchdown Club donation. Your commitment helps propel deserving student-athletes across the goal line, granting them the opportunity to pursue higher education and score big in both academics and sports.

  4. Super Bowl Club (Donations: $1,000 or more): Aim for the championship and become a beacon of hope for underprivileged student-athletes through substantial college scholarships. Your Super Bowl Club donation ensures that these young talents have the financial support needed to tackle educational challenges and achieve extraordinary success.

All Donations Are Welcome!

No matter the size of your contribution, every donation serves as a building block for these student-athletes' futures. We appreciate every supporter who joins us on this transformative journey, whether you're in the First Down Club, the Touchdown Club, the Super Bowl Club, or cheering from the sidelines from the Fan Club with a different amount. Together, we form a powerful team dedicated to creating opportunities and shaping futures through college scholarships.


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